I Love my Blog Redux

Apparently, I am not the only one in love with their own blog. Brendan (whose blog was a major site for Katrina Information) seems to have it even worse than I do.

Read an interesting discussion about blog love (or is it addiction?) at Brendan’s wife Becky’s site The Valkyrie of Discarded Thought, where she commented about my post I Love my Blog. These two comments stick in my mind:

“… s/he was worried Brendan had just..disappeared and become his blog and now exited only virtually.”

“I know the computer has had a huge impact on our family’s relationships, as well as most people I know. We definitely do not do things together as often as we did before…the internet entered our lives.”

That one got me worried, so I asked my husband if truly my blogging has had an adverse effect on the family (Do you see how my Catholic guilt can be brought in at a moment’s notice? It’s like the National Guard…) He said he sees it as just my hobby, so I guess I am still all right.


One Response to I Love my Blog Redux

  1. The Catholic guilt never fails. It always knows when to step in. Certain days, it annoys the heck out of me.

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