Women’s Health

four women

HPV/Cervical Cancer

My take on HPV testing and Gardasil. Eva Peron, Jade Goody. And much more.


These days, you need a statistics degree to decide if you should have a mammogram. Maybe I can make it clearer.

Ovarian Cancer

Separating the hype from the hope about screening and early detection.


Read about Vitamin D, Calcium and why I prescribe a lot less Fosamax than I used to.


You can’t do what I do for a living and avoid taking about abortion. So let’s talk about it. OK?


I don’t deliver babies anymore, but I can still talk about it, can’t I?


It’s that time of month on the blog.

Breast Cancer

The latest news on breast cancer. If you’re hearing about it, I’m usually talking about it here.

The Vagina Dialogues

Where we talk frankly about – well, you know. Down there. Just between us girls.


A little light reading for those sleepless nights. My take on bio-identical hormones, the WHI, Oprah and Suzanne.

How to Get Pregnant

A light-hearted take on the procreative process – some good advice mixed with a few good laughs.

Birth Control

Good news about the pill and how to pay less for it. The Patch. Condoms. Yaz. Sponge-worthiness, and more.