Grand Rounds: Vol 3, No 11

Le venin de serpent, antidote au poison
Pseudo-Galien, Kitâb al-diryâq (Livre de la thériaque). Jazirah ?, 1199.

Grand Rounds is up over at The Antidote, a website that is subtitled “Counterspin for Health and Haalthcare news”. Grand Rounds is a weekly compilation of the best of the medical blogosphere. The target audeince for grand rounds is the educated but nonmedical reader. If that’s you, then head on over to The Antidote and see what the offerings are this week.

The Antidote is written by Emily DeVoto, Ph.D., and is an example of a well-written blog that makes a real contribution. Many thanks to Evelyn for tackling Grand Rounds this week, and for accepting my contribution at the last hour – or was it 2 am?

Image from the website of the Bibleoteque Nationale de France
Category: Second Opinions

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