More on Merck and Women in Government

Apparently, I am not the only one to be a bit taken aback at the speed with which Merck’s HPV vaccine is being legislated into healthcare.

“A lot of us are worried it’s a little early to be pushing a mandated HPV vaccine,” said Dr. Martin Myers, director of the National Network for Immunization Information. “It’s not that I’m not wildly enthusiastic about this vaccine. I am. But many of us are concerned a mandate may be premature, and it’s important for people to realize that this isn’t as clear-cut as with some previous vaccines.”

He added, “It’s not the vaccine community pushing for this.”

Who is pushing it? Merck, of course. Via a group called Women in Government. More at the Baltimore Sun.

Mandatory HPV Vaccine legislation in Maryland has been pulled (Via Pharmalot) and The Associated Press has picked up on the connection between Merck and WIG.

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