
Central Park on a sunny Saturday afternoon in early spring, watching your kid play softball. It doesn’t get any better than this….

4 Responses to Heaven

  1. No, stop! Please! You’re making my mouth water! I only get to visit NYC in December…


  2. Schruggling says:

    While it looks sooo inviting to sit in the park and watch a softball game, here in the burbs that game would be followed up with 4 other games in the same weekend – invariably in a variety of parks at the same time. You wouldn’t have time to feed your kids between games, and you have other kids that you are carting along the way with you. You start at 8 am and end in the early evening. You smell like sunblock (if you are like me, I am pale like a flounder, and burn with the THOUGHT of sun. I plan on becoming a super hero that fights crime by day. My power? Blinding the criminals with the reflection off of my fat, round belly.), have eaten junk all day long, and have a grass stained butt because you forgot the chair, and haven’t had the chance to swing by the house to pick it up.

    While sitting there, you are thinking about the 50 other things that the spouse put on the “honey-do” list for the weekend that aren’t getting done, and you really don’t get the chance to read the paper at the game because inevitably when you are reading is when your kid does something amazing for the first and only time, and you missed it, forcing you to lie to their face that you saw it and it was “amazing”.

    I need a mini refrigerator and microwave in the minivan (which are sold in the after market by the way…) to go with the installed DVD system to keep kids occupied between games.

    Do I get the chance to be surrounded by beautiful bucholic Bucks County scenary all the time? Yep! Do I really take it in and enjoy it? Limited at best…Would I trade it for something different? Not yet!

    Enjoy the spring in the park.

  3. Schtrugglin’-
    I for one thank my kid every weekend for getting me away from my to-do list and away from the work I brought home to do over the weekend and instead head into the park. And the idea of a minivan sith a refrigerator and a dvd collection – well, you could pull that up on Central Park West and we’d all have a great time….

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