Grand Rounds 3:38

Jacob M Gershberg . Images from the NLM History of Medicine Webpage

Grand Rounds is up over at Dr Val’s Blog. It’s a nice edition – succinct and well-organized, with a short and long version. Plus, she included a post of mine that I hadn’t even submitted! Thanks , Dr Val! My favorites from the lot:

Kerri meets a sympathetic Barista:

Damn you, Starbucks. Just when I’ve thought I’m beyond your caffeinated claws, you reach back out and gently bring me back in.

Type-B Premed captures a slice of life in the ER that will tear your heart out.

“You’re sure?” Upon hearing the news, a perfectly manicured hand raised to her mouth to hide her trembling lip…

Dr Rob explains the genetic difference between men and women. Hilarious!

Many scientists believe that the feeling by many women that jeans make them look fat comes from the fact that there are more genes in a women’s body, and this is actually a cry for help from the chromosomal level.

Now head on over for the weekly best of the medical blogosphere!

One Response to Grand Rounds 3:38

  1. Thanks for the link TBTAM! I agree that Rob was in rare form with his genetic explanation for gender differences! He’s a funny, Llama-lovin’ guy, that one.

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