I am not a Paparazzi

Dear Paul Newman:

When you looked up as you were getting into your car outside of the NDI performance on Monday night, I’m fairly certain that you saw me. And I think you noticed that I was holding my cell phone up in front of me. So I’m pretty sure that you think that I took your picture.

Which means you now think I’m the kind of person who takes pictures of celebrities with their cell phone.

But really, Mr Newman – Do you mind if I call you Paul? – Really, Paul, what I need you to know is that I did NOT take your picture. I swear, I didn’t.

I know you don’t read my blog, but if you did, you would know that if I had taken your picture it would be up there. But it’s not. See?

I am, after all, a New Yorker. And we New Yorkers pride ourselves on the fact that the great ones can walk amongst us unrecognized. They are, after all, no better than we are…That didn’t come out right, did it? What I meant to say was that we just want you to feel comfortable…

So, do you believe me?

I really hope you do. Because if we ever run into each other again, I would hate for you to hate me because you think I’m one of those people who take pictures of you with their cell phones.

Because I didn’t. Really.

Sincerely Yours,


10 Responses to I am not a Paparazzi

  1. Very fun, and what a thrill ro see him. Since I’m in Utah, I’ve seen Robert Redford a few times, and when I was a waitress in college (a *long* time ago) I even waited on him once. I think the two of them are a classy pair.

  2. Inquiring minds want to know: What were you taking a photograph of? Or were you just using your cell phone? (Choose your answer carefully… I may go to the tabloids with your response. 😉

  3. Kalyn: How much do I love RR!

    Maria: If you must know, I was thinking of taking a photo. I said THINKING, not taking. The New Yorker in me got the best of me. But before I could put it away, he looked up.

    I am so ashamed…..

  4. Do you know how hard it is to resist making a new account that says P.N. or something and posting a response about noticing you, and being glad that you were a real New Yorker? HARD! But I did it.

    (okay, I also didn’t have a spare email account to use to sign up… but still!)

  5. Bardiac: You TOTALLY should have done that!

    Rodrigo: I have no idea what you are saying, but somehting tells me you are selling something….

  6. I was once back home in NYC for a wedding. We were parking on the upper east side, when I looked up the street at an approaching couple. My first thought was that the man was a very attractive older man. My next thought was OMG, it’s Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward! I tried to tell my hubby, but he was fighting someone for the parking spot. By the time he parked & asked what I was trying to say, I pointed to the couple who was then about a half block past us & told him that he’d missed them. Alas. And this was before phone cameras. V

  7. Riiight, no picture.

    This officially begins the petition that you post the photo you took of him!!!

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