Thinking Blogger Award

Many, many thanks to fellow bloggers Dr Wes and KatieZ , who nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award. It’s an honor to be a recipient of this award, and I am proud to display it on my sidebar over there.

But the best part is that I get to give the award out to 5 other blogs that make me think. And so, without further ado, I award this prestigious award to (drumroll, please…)

The Well-Timed Period
. An incredibly interesting, opinionated and comprehensive blog about anything and everything contraceptive.

Enter the Circle: My friend Linda writes an insightful, brassy and funny blog. She’s also into the whole women’s empowerment thing and runs something called the Moon Lounge, yet remains completely normal.

Bardiac: Of course.

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery: Just checking to see if you’re still reading. Well, it does make me think I’ll never get plastic surgery…

Aetiology: Everything a science blog should be.

If you’ve been tagged, here are the rules. And thanks to the awardees for your contribution to keeping my brain alive.

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