Welcome to My Blogroll!

A much belated welcome to my blogroll to the following blogs that I have been reading for some time now.

Midwife with a Knife – A blog by an energetic fellow in Maternal Fetal Medicine. Brings back so many memories (good and bad) from my training days. And she’s a fellow foodie and chef! Commenter Hillary, an aspiring gynecologist and foodie, suggests that we all open a birthing center and B&B. Not a bad idea…..

Sugar and Ink – A pediatrician who, like me, started her blog as a food blog. She just recently began to reveal her medical self to the world.

Suddenly… Sudan: A riveting blog by a Canadian doc with medicins sans frontieres stationed in Sudan. Written in lower case, in a style that somehow reminds me of Camus.

today a boy came from “far away” to the hospital, accompanied by his father. his leg was full of holes from an infection that had festered for two weeks. he was thin from it, all angles. I lifted his leg off the bed to look at the other side, and it came apart at the knee.

last year, I went camping with my friend jehan. we paddled for hours to find our own lake. we set up camp, and the next day, in my hammock, after a cup of strong coffee, I ate a plum for half an hour.

Surgeon’s Blog: I re-discovered Dr Sid Schwab’s blog when I hosted Grand Rounds recently. He just finished publishing a nine-part series called “Operation: Deconstructed”, where he takes you through every step of a colectomy, from preop to dictation. If you’re a patient, you’ll come away with an understanding of How Doctors Think as good as any recently published book will give you, and we physician readers will learn something new in every post.

Dr Smak: Just discovered this rural family physician via a well-written comment to a recent post of mine. She’s a fellow gardener and has a nice bookshelf over there at her site. Stop on by….

3 Responses to Welcome to My Blogroll!

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