Cabbage Borscht

How do you take your borscht? I take mine with cabbage but no beets, thank you. But this recipe goes either ways. Beets or no beets, it can’t be beat..

Now that I see this photo, it’s clear I need to skim the fat on this batch a bit more, or else refigerate it and skim it tomorrow.


This recipe from Irene, who got it from her mother and has made some modifications over the years.

1 lb. top rib
2 cans (10.5 oz) beef consomme + 2 cans water
½ cabbage, thinly sliced
2 medium onions, thinly sliced
1 lg. Can diced tomatoes + ½ can water
1 bunch fresh beets, peeled, cut in ½ inch chunks (optional)
1 bay leaf
fresh thyme sprigs or dill
salt and pepper
¼ cup sugar
2 marrow bones
juice of one lemon
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

Simmer all ingredients in large soup pot, except marrow bones, lemon juice and vinegar. Remove meat when tender (about 2 hours). Keep warm.

Add marrow bones and simmer 45 minutes longer. Remove marrow bones and save marrow to spread on toast or chop fine and return to soup.

Add lemon juice and vinegar. Taste to adjust seasoning for salt, pepper, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar.

Best made a day ahead so that you can refrigerate and remove fat.

7 Responses to Cabbage Borscht

  1. Dear TBTAM, It might be early, but having read this yummy recipe I can say, it’s always the right time to ponder cabbage borscht soup. Mmmmm good. Thanks, pjg

  2. Yum! Looks like something I would love. I like beets, but they aren’t South Beach friendly at all so I’d probably skip them.

  3. There’s another way to describe borshch that doesn’t contain beets; shchi…although it normally wouldn’t have tomatoes in it.

  4. Yea I learned to make the cabbage borscht (no beets) years ago from my ex hubby – German Mennonite fella – was traditional in his family. They used beef or chicken, but in their spice ball, we used the bay leave, thyme or dill, whole peppercorns, part of one piece of dried red pepper, a good heaping tablespoon of Savory (not “Summer Savory” but just regular Savory, apparently there’s a subtle difference), also some parsley, maybe 1-2 tsp dried parsley or equivalent in fresh. We didn’t use the sugar, either… it was sweet enough with the cabbage as long as cabbage not cooked too fast too hot, need to be a slow simmer.

    And after it’s done.. let it cool for 5-10 minutes, and THEN put in the cream (otherwise it clabbers and looks weird) – it mixes with the tomatos and makes a lovely pink color!!

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