Dove Does it Again

This time it’s a video called Onslaught, which shows the images of the female body that young girls are bombarded with by the media.

It’s part of Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. I like the message.

Can’t say I use the soap, though, being a gal who goes for the more squeaky clean feel. And in the end, it’s really all about selling soap, isn’t it?

If you didn’t see their first video called “Evolution” here it is. I thought it was even more powerful than this new one.

Thanks for California Now for pointing me to these videos.

5 Responses to Dove Does it Again

  1. Anonymous –

    Fascinating video.

    And maybe the marketing folks at Inilever are so frickin’ brilliant that they counted on folks like you bringing up this very topic, and someone making that video, thus giving both Axe Body Spray and Dove play in the same viral message, this message being about how hypocritical Unilever really is.

    What do they care if we think they are hypocritical? The point is that now folks who never heard of Axe Body Spray (like me) now know about it.

    I wouldn’t put it past them.

    I think the Axe ads are a hoot, by the way.

  2. So who are you anyway, anonymous? Inquiring bloggers want to know your background and why you have interest in this topic…

  3. Who am I? Hmmm. Still waiting to get that one figured out.

    I don’t have any real background in this department–just a cynical attitude. I work as an editor for a subscription-only educational database and I read a lot of magazines and newspapers. No advertising or marketing, no sociology, and no medicine either. Just media hype.

    I started visiting a couple weeks ago–thank you, I’m really enjoying it. Really. Thanks.

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