My New Office

They recently moved my practice back to the Hospital from the off-site office where I have been for almost five years.

I gave up a window and an incredible view and got back convenience, better access to my colleagues and staff and a bit more exercise, since I am now 5 blocks from work instead of one. And of course, me and coffee guy are back on again.

But the big question I know you are asking is – how is the Feng Shui in my new office?

The Old Office

Now I have a few patients who know Feng Shui, and they told me the Feng Shui in my old office was almost perfect. They wanted me to move my little fountain and hang a mirror to bounce the Qi, but other than that, it was just right.

Of course, I never believed in that stuff. But patients constantly remarked how peaceful my old office was and how relaxed they felt in it. And administrators would always bring new physicians and donors around to see my office because they said it was the nicest one in the practice.

So, naturally, I would be worried that the practice move would mess up my Qi. Trust me, there is nothing worse for a medical practice than bad Qi.

The New Office

Turns out that my worries were needless. On Monday, one of my Feng Shui expert patients was in for her annual and informed me that I had gotten it right again. The new place has great Feng Shui.

My desk is facing the door so no one can see my computer screen with patient data on it. Lucky for me this is also the Command Position. Not to mention my back it toward the wall, giving me support.

I have the patient chair next to me so I can type while I talk, but that is also good for the patient so they don’t feel too powerless. Although my desk is facing the shelves, which is not so good, the computer screen in between blocks all the negative Qi energy.

I have plants, so that’s good. And my baskets and pillows, which I brought along from the old office. And this little sand thingy that everyone loves…

But most importantly, I finally have my little fountain in the right place – the Northwest or Money corner. Apparently, flowing water leads to flowing money. Which may be one reason why the Chinese are taking over the world…

I finally got around to putting water in the fountain on Tuesday morning and started it up. It sounds really nice, but so far, nothing’s happened. I went to the cash machine today and my balance is even lower than it was last week, probably beause Mr TBTAM paid some bills.

So my question to all you Feng Shui experts out there is this -How long before the Money Corner thing works?

Because I’m looking at college tuition in 1-2 years, and I don’t think they’ll let me pay with Qi.

6 Responses to My New Office

  1. Holy Cow! How do you have so much room on your shelves?????

    Want to trade offices? 🙂 Mine is definitely NOT feng shui compatable. And it’s probably a death trap should the upper midwest ever have an earthquake.

    I DO have an Einstein action figure, though!

  2. Bardiac – That’s what happends when your charts go electronic and when medicine moves so fast that your textbooks are out of date and you now get everything you need from the web. Fortunately for you, Shakespeare never goes out of date….

    Steamy Kitchen – I didn’t photograph the wire clutter in front of my desk…although I am getting a wireless mouse and keyboard, so that should be gone soon.

  3. My obgyn’s office looks NOTHING like yours at all. I have only seen his from passing by it and it usually looks like a records bomb went off in it. I’m not sure why but he has planted his office right the end of the hallway to go to exam rooms. The midwives offices are down the hall. Maybe for convenience. However, his desk is ALWAYS full of 2 foot stacks of medical files. I don’t see how he can even work that way much less write on his desk, lol. Oh and he shuns computers. I don’t think he will ever get an EMR system. He doesn’t even have a computer in his office!

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