2007 Medical WebBlog Awards – Call for Nominees

It’s time to nominate your favorite medical blogs for the 2007 Medical Weblog Awards, hosted by Medgadget.

As usual, there are too few categories, meaning I don’t get to nominate every single one of my favorite med-blogs. And no category for best gyno-food blog. Oh well, maybe next year….

Head on over and see if we can’t fatten up the nominee’s list. I love a good horse race.

3 Responses to 2007 Medical WebBlog Awards – Call for Nominees

  1. I nominated you for policy/ethics. For real! I mean it! Don’t believe me? Go check it out…


    For our favorite topic no less…Big Pharma’s influence on law making being a problem.

    Remember, it’s an honor just to be nominated, but I clearly want a mention in the acceptance speech.


  2. And in your acceptance speech…echoes of Sally Field…

    “The read me, they REALLY read me.”


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