Your mobile carrier’s Family Plan may not be so family friendly.
That’s what researchers at the Cleveland Clinic suggest in a research study published this week showing that increasing cellphone usage is correlated with decreased sperm count and semen quality in men. But don’t put down that IPhone just yet.
This study, while intriguing, has a few very significant limitations. First, and most importantly, the study population was drawn from men who were undergoing fertility evaluations – not a normal male population. The average age was 38, also not a normal age distribution. To do this study right, one should use males drawn from the general population, which would include both normal and infertile subjects.
Secondly, the researchers relied on self-reported estimates of phone usage. Not sure why, when they could have gotten accurate data from participants mobile phone bills.
Finally, the researchers did not collect information about occupational history or use of other devices that emit electromagnetic waves that they hypothesize are responsible for the effects of cellphone usage on sperm quality.
Still, the study results are intriguing, and worth following up in a larger, better controlled study. In the meantime, use the landline, okay honey?
Gosh, I’m trying to hold back from making some snarky comment about being too busy on the phone to use their sperm or parent if they did. 2-4 hours a day! Holy cow!
I’m wondering what other stuff is correlated with using a cell phone that long every day? And if that’s the stuff that’s really significant?
bardiac – While all this stuff is fascinating to talk about, correlation does not prove causality – This study was not done well enough to say anything more than “Let’s look closer”.
From my reading of the literature, nothing has panned out in well-controlled studies from cell phone use. But there’s lots of small studies like this raising questions.
Study aside…if men were on the cell phone less and spent the time having sex with their partners, then maybe there would be more babies…a little romance, people!
Just a thought from the simple-minded!
Hmmm… maybe that’s why it took so much longer with number 3 🙂