Grand Rounds from Little Rock

Head on over to Suture for a Living for this week’s best of the medical blogs. Plastic surgeon and quilt maker RL Bates has done a fabulous job compiling this week’s posts, not to mention giving us a little photo tour of her home state, Arkansas.

Not only is this week’s grand rounds is a treasure trove of posts, but but this blogger has also discovered a few new blogs to add to her blogroll.

Marianas Eye – An American Opthomologist living and practicing on a tropical island of Saipan. Think South Pacific meets MASH. (He even has a book!)

Denialism Blog – The Hoofnagel brothers and PalMD take on those who would deny scientific and medical fact. PalMDs post in today’s grand rounds is wonderful, but I was most impressed by an old post in their blog called “The Denialists Deck of Cards. This is a blog that’s going to keep me busy reading back posts.

DocGurley – How I missed this blog till now I’ll never know. She’s smart, she’s funny and she calls a mean fight, as shown in her last week’s Grand Rrounds Smack Down.

Tales from the ER and Beyond – A Canadian blog by Dr Couz, ER resident and new mom. For such a youngun’ she speaks with the authority and wisdom of one beyond her years.

Thanks, RL!

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