Biking the Pine Creek Trail

These days spent in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania are like stepping back in time. The lack of development in the area has kept it preserved in so many ways.

But one nice development has been the completion of the Pine Creek Rail Trail – 62 miles of flat gravel that runs from just north of Williamsport through Pine Valley into the Pine Creek Gorge, known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, to the town of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. There’s lots to do along Pine Creek, including hiking, fishing, swimming and birding. But it was the biking that attracted us.

We did a 22 mile ride in the mid-section of the trail yesterday, biking from Blackwell to Slate Run and back. Although this ride did not take us through the Grand Canyon, it’s a lovely ride through the Valley, perfect for those who might not want to pack food and picnic, because there are several places to stop and eat.

Blackwell to Cedar Run

Blackwell is a tiny town with a nice hotel/restaurant and that’s about it. There was plenty of parking available at the trail lot, so we parked there, despite the fact that the trail guide suggested that bikers use the Rattlesnake Rock access and leave Blackwell to the boaters. There are bathroom facilities and a pump for water.

As we took the bikes off the roof, we discovered that the nut holding my front wheel on had somehow come off. Luckily, we found a place that rented bikes.

No one was there, just the honor system, take a bike, leave the money in the locked box.

The bike could have used a bit of oil, but was good enough, and I had not trouble keeping up with Mr TBTAM and the girls.

The path is a 2% grade going N-S, so it’s easy biking either way. The gravel surface is well maintained, but its width is deceptive – it can drop off fairly steeply in places, so I wouldn’t ride more than 2 abreast.

There are a fair number of bridges to cross – old RR trestles and small foot bridges across tiny feeder streams.

Cedar Run is an adorable little town with nothing more than a general store and an Inn.

We arrived after 2 pm, and though lunch is served only from 11-2, they felt sorry for us and made us panini sandwiches, which we ate us on the shaded side patio.

Meanwhile, the front porch was a continuous stream of bikers and locals coming for their renowned homemade ice cream.

The Cedar Hill Inn is across the street. I’m told the restaurant is very good, and the rooms lovely (though no air conditioning, I assume from the fans in the windows).

Cedar Run to Slate Run

From Cedar Hill to Slate Run the trail winds through a wide valley. On this stretch, we saw a rattlesnake.

and hundreds of tiny, perfect little frogs hopping across the trail.

Mr TBTAM saw some great birds – one with a bright orange vest, and several hummingbirds.

There are camping grounds and primitive cabins along the creek as you approach Slate Run, where there is a large General Store with pretty much anything a person might need, including sandwiches, food, sundries, a huge bait and tackle shop and lucky for us, air for our tires.

I am told the nearby Manor Inn has a good restaurant for lunch, but we did not stop there.

The Ride Back

We put on speed on the return trip, with nothing more than a stop for water at Cedar Run. That’s the downside to doing a trail and not a loop – riding back over previously ridden ground. But it was a great work-out and a lot of fun, so we’re not complaining.

We plan to return again in early Fall to do the upper part of the Trail from Wellsboro to Blackwell, arranging with Pine Creek Outfitters to meet us at ride’s end and shuttle us back to your starting point, so that we can cover more ground in a one day trip.

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a great place to bike for riders of all ages, the Pine Creek Trail is it. Make it a weekend, and stay in Wellsboro or one of the towns along the trail. Fall is probably best for the gorge, but summer is pretty darned beautiful as well.


I used the antique settings on I Photo to make the photos look old. I’m having fun playing with my new MacBook…

8 Responses to Biking the Pine Creek Trail

  1. Great to see the pictures. I’ll be making my 60 miles for my 60th birthday trip in four weeks. I am excited! Plus you have reminded me of some of the great places to stop to eat er… get recharged. BTW how long did you take to do that section?

  2. pmpilgrim-

    The entire trip took us 4 hours, but that included a stop for lunch and air. It took us 90 minutes to do the straight shot back from Slate Run to Blackwell. Only stopped for some water and some rattlesnake and frog watching.

    Remember if you want to eat at Cedar Run, lunch goes from 11-2, otherwise it’s just ice cream. Locals told me the restaurant in Slate Run is really good. The restaurant in Blackwell seemed nice, and had an outdoor patio and lots of guests.

    Can;t wait to read about your trip.

  3. Sounds really nice. Reminds me of the back roads and trails here in Bucks County, PA. It goes back in time pretty quickly, but I have never encountered a rattler! My spine is twitching away from just the picture…I didn’t think we had rattlers here. Something else I have to add to the worry list.

    Looks like you had a really nice ride.

  4. With your wonderful description, I felt like I was riding with you. And Honey, that is the only way I could do that. I am lucky to force out the 30 minutes a day on my exercise bike. But I do admire people who are blessed with that kind of health and energy.

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