Two Weeks and Nine Pounds Down…

and I’m still going strong on this diet of mine.

I actually lost weight while on my own last weekend at our cottage, but could not wait to get back to my delivered food on Monday. When’s the last time you couldn’t wait to get back ON a diet?

This is not to say it has been entirely easy. I’ve had a few shaky afternoons, and the headaches were no fun. My kids have commented that I’ve had some pretty irritable moments with them, but I have to say that overall, I feel much more calm. I did finally add skim milk in the mornings (decaf cappuccino with a bit of Agave nectar) and before bed with my evening snack. With that, the early morning headaches are better.

Health pluses

1. I’m snoring much less already, according to Mr TBTAM.

2. My reflux is better.

3. Most importantly, I am feeling so good. The biking probably has something to do with this as well – three times a week at this point, though I’d like to increase that over time.

Psyching myself out

Tonight was a bit of a milestone for me. We were set to meet a family from Barcelona, in preparation for our kids doing a student exchange with one another next year. I had originally planned to have them all over for dinner, on a weeknight. Which would have meant my running home early from work, scrambling with Mr TBTAM to make something incredible, then worrying if everyone was happy and fed, then cleaning up after everyone had gone (and blogging it, of course…) In an amazing move (you have NO idea how significant this is) I suggested we meet downtown at their hotel instead and go out to a restaurant. It was a perfectly lovely evening, and I had a great time. And ordered a wonderful grilled shrimp on arugula that fit perfectly with my diet.

I realized that a lot of my cooking is me trying to get others to like me. Which doesn’t mean I don’t love to cook, because I really do. But if cooking becomes mostly about doing something I love more than about trying to impress, it just becomes that much more fun, right?

Oh, the things I am learning about myself…

I have just started reading Judith Beck’s book that offers Cognitive Therapy as an adjunct to dieting. Because if I am successful at getting the weight off with this diet, the last thing I want to do is regain it all. Will let you know what I think as that goes on.

What Diet am I on?

It’s probably not important which Diet Home Delivery Service I am using, but if you want to know, you can check out their web site. If you want to see exactly what they are serving daily, go here.

For me, it’s not whether it’s the Zone or Atkins or South Beach. I lose weight no matter what diet I am on. But what I haven’t been able to do for a very long time is stay on any diet. Having someone else take care of the food is what is making this one work for me right now.

More to come…

15 Responses to Two Weeks and Nine Pounds Down…

  1. Delicious meals that mimic the type of food you enjoy cooking – Sounds like the perfect way to go, if you ask me.

    That’s a huge connection to make re: cooking for others.


  2. It’s the biking!!!

    Okay, not really 🙂

    The diet sounds like it’s working great for you.

    One last thing: would you adopt me so I can go stay in Barcelona? Pretty please!!

  3. Wow! That's great! I've been trying to lose since the start of the summer & it seems that since I've hit 40 it's impossible for me to lose ANYTHING! I'm going to check out the food delivery.


  4. OMG, is Judith Beck’s book amazing? It has not only helped in making healthier food choices – it has actually helped me in dealing with my ADD/OCD.

    Congrats on the weight loss….remember, nothing tastes as good as thin (and healthy) is gonna feel!

  5. Just bought the Judith Beck book from Amazon on your recommendation. Looking forward to receiving it in the mail. I seem to have this mind-emotion disconnect when it comes to eating. I, too, cook because it pleases other people, and I got that from my mother. MWAS

  6. Mister TBTAM? I was once the proud winner of the “Snore No More” podcast contest. I won the book “Snore No More” (the Rob Simon good looking book).

    Actually, it’s a pretty good look at snoring causes and cures. Mrs. Andy, of course, mocked that reading the book at bedtime puts her to sleep. Good thing, then she couldn’t hear me snore.

  7. I’ve been tempted to take up biking – seems the rage with Baby Boomers.

    Are you on a moving bike or stationary? I have a little fear of acquiring an injury at age 61.

  8. Congrats on the loss!
    I, like most, hate diets. Finding any one that works is really the key, isn’t it?
    I’m still a bit stunned about an earlier post… Woman actually share nursing????

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