Pink Patch Ads Pulled on AOL and Facebook

After reading my rant against Pink Patch Ads on Myspace, commenter MNetty contacted AOL and demanded that they pull their Pink Patch Ads.

And guess what? They did! (See the comments section of my pank patch post for her letter and AOL’s reply.)

Pink Patch ads have also been banned on Facebook. The Advertising Standards Agency has called the Pink Patch Ads “irresponsible” and claims they promote “bad medical practice”.

“Irresponsible”. Exactly the word I used in my post.

Let’s hear it for the power of the blog, the power of truth and the power of the people!

6 Responses to Pink Patch Ads Pulled on AOL and Facebook

  1. Excellent work from yourself and MNetty. I’ve seen similar ads for dodgy products on myspace and I think it’s important these things are challenged. Well done – and thank you for the info on reporting scams.

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