Need a Diaphragm? Good Luck with That.


Ortho stopped manufacturing the latex diaphragm in Dec 2007, in anticipation of releasing a new non-latex silicone diaphragm this year. Unfortunately, the new diaphragms will not be available till at least November, according to an Ortho service rep I spoke to today. At this point, I can’t find a diaphragm anywhere for my patients. No other manufacturer’s diaphragms are available from any wholesalers to the pharmacies I contacted.

For now, I’m sending my patients to Planned Parenthood, since they have a bit of a stockpile for now at least. If anyone has any other reliable source, let me know and I will post it here at Diaphragm Central.

Hopefully Elaine’s diaphragm is still in good shape, although she may want to cut back a bit on unnecessary usage so it doesn’t wear out before the new ones are available.

23 Responses to Need a Diaphragm? Good Luck with That.

  1. is the sponge still around? it was bothersome and gave me yeast infections, back in the day.

    but i’m horrified to hear about diaphragms. since that menopause thing has not come through for me yet [and don’t think i wasn’t rooting for it, before auntie flo came back for a long-belated visit], i was thinking it’s time for a replacement. the old one is fine; maybe a little too big now, but workable; no holes. but hell, if i have to be menstruating, it would be nice to have one last new diaphagm.

  2. Bardiac and RL –
    You got it! If they’re not spongworthy, they are definitiely not diaphragm worthy.

    You can check your diaphragm for leaks by filling it with water. And no, Bardiac, I would not use my tire patch repair on a leaky diaphragm. 🙂

  3. and i cannot, in good conscience, take PP diaphragms with a reduced supply around. maybe i’ll make a donation, though, because they have done wonderful work for many years.

  4. the emergency backup plan is for hubs to go actually buy condoms at the 7-11. or wherever. because dammit, i’ve done 27+ years of the major maintenance here, and *he* should try buying contraceptive jelly in teh supermarket line with a neighbor saying “hi,” and see how he likes it. plus, i’ve earned menopause, and a year free of bleeding cannot come soon enough.

    ok, i’m done now!

  5. i went to the doc’s today to be fitted for my first (i still take the pill, but want something to make sex on the rag a little less messy) when the secretary mentioned that, mysteriously, no one can find any.
    thanks for the heads-up, diaphragm manufacturers.

    in all seriousness, thanks for this post. so they will be back… later?

  6. Anon-

    Yes, from what I was told, a new less allergenic diaphragm is just around the corner. I for one think that a non-latex diaphragm is a great idea.

    Cooper Surgical sells diaphragms, but not through pharmacies. Your doctor would have to order it for you through them. (I don’t think they sell directly to consumers) Their diaphragm is a slightly different diaphragm from Ortho’s, and has a wider rim. If my patients can’t find their diaphragms within the next day or so, I’ll be trying to get it for them from Cooper.

  7. You know, TBTAM, even I hadn’t thought of using my tire repair kit… I bow to your superior biking karma!

    I’m going to reveal my ignorance… but how long do diaphragms tend to last? (I guess I thought of them as pretty long lasting, but?)

    All this talk of trying to order diaphragms… I have to say, it makes my trying to do book orders for classes seem pretty trivial!

    ps. Thanks for the comment the other day. 🙂 I’m aiming to go next week.

  8. I loved the spongeworthy post and was going to put it up at some point and relate it to my buying up box fans. I know..weird connection. 🙂

    I never used these. The only thing we’ve used and not always the right way is condoms. I hate them. I hate birth control.

    The cotton pony..well she’s still ridin into town and the only reason I will be glad when she makes her last ride in is so I can stop with the birth control already. Yeeha!

    Just had my gyno visit and asked for an FSH because I am wondering. 2 years ago I was at 12 this month.

    What number would accurately say there is no chance of a woman getting pregnant?

  9. The Cotton pony???? That’s the first time I heard THAT one!

    As for your last question, there is no magic number. The best we can say is that a day 3 FSH over 10,especially if combined with an elevated estradiol, is associated with little chance of success in an IVF cycle. Age is probably your best predictor. See an early post I wrote on this subject –

    Thanks for reading!

  10. How does the diaphragm(if you can get one) compare to IUD in terms of ease of use, complication and failure rates, and cost? It was never an option to me because of a latex allergy, but perhaps I should consider it when done with this pregnancy? What’s the best source these days for contraceptive info? Besides one’s HCP, of course. (I hate to waste her office time with questions I can find answers to on my own though)

  11. Anonymous –

    The IUD is more effective than the diaphragm with typical use, since diaphragm efficacy is almost totally dependent on user compliance, while the IUD does it’s job without you doing anything. Both methods are safe, but each has its limitations and may not be appropriate for everyone.

    A good source of info is Planned Parenthood’s website. Also check out the manufacturer’s sites for Mirena and Paragard, and read the patient info in the prescribing info for full disclosure of risks and benefits.

    Good luck with your pregnancy!

  12. Let me begin by saying that I agree with the anonymous commenter that I too wouldn't get my diaphragm through Planned Parenthood, but not because I think they do wonderful work.. unless you consider racism wonderful.
    "Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

    I know that's off topic and I don't mean to offend anyone but I think people should educate themselves. But I digress..

    I went through the nightmare of trying to locate a diaphragm when I decided that birth control chemicals were ruining my life… I finally found a site you can order them from – even without an Rx.

    Go to and search for "diaphragm".. They're the Ortho brand, coil & arcing.


  13. Anonymous –
    Thanks for the info on Westons. Maybe they still have some diaphragms in stock. If anyone tries and is able to purchase one, let us know.

    As to whether or not Margaret Sanger held racist views, I cannot say for certain, since I did not know her. But I can tell you that I know and have worked closely with the wonderful people at Planned Parenthood for many years, both locally and on the national level. They come from all races and all socio-economic backgrounds, and I and can tell you with certainty that there is nothing racist about them or their organization.


  14. YEP – Just got one today on Westons… after TEN pharmacies in California said they were nowhere to be found.. $20 Westons. yay.

  15. Oh My God!! I have been trying to track down a diaphragm for months now to no avail. My best friend just had a pregnancy scare and it has me real nervous, so I just decided that I’d better go back to the pill. This is a godsend! Is it safe to assume that the sizing is the same? I notice that it is a British website and that the brand is different (Reflexions). Oh man I think I have to buy it now before they run out! But I would appreciate some advice.

    Thank you!

  16. Mineko –
    I checked the Westons website . Their diaphragms are the same sized, but the spring mechanisms vary – One is a flat spring (better for younger women who have not had kids) and the arcing spring (usually good for all). I’d go with the arcing ring to be on the safe side,and bring it in for your doctor to check the fit before relying on it.

    Thanks to

  17. after my pharmacy said they could order my new diaphragm, they then said it was discontinued and unavailable. after calling several pharmacies, one said they could order it — i’m not counting on that one coming through, either, so it is good to know about weston’s.

  18. back with a breaking report! the pharmacy did come through with a diaphragm for me — after quite a few calls. BUT, my co-pay was a whopping $45, since it is not on the formulary for my health insurance. so — should have gone with weston’s, which would have been $15 + shipping, and saved some angst….

  19. Help! Weston's website says they no longer ship outside the UK. I checked with Planned Parenthood and they confirmed that it's nearly impossible to locate diaphragms here in the US. Anyone have any ideas?

  20. Anonymous – I have been ordering milex wide seal diaphragms from Cooper Surgical for my patients. They are available.

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