Grand Rounds at Health Business Blog

David Williams hosts this week’s edition of the best of the medical blogosphere. It’s a great edition. Topics covered include –

While you’re visiting Dr Val, check out her post about about Senator Tom Harkin’s recent comments on the Office of Complimentary Medicine. Looks like his political contributors aren’t getting the research results they bargained for…

2 Responses to Grand Rounds at Health Business Blog

  1. lol. I saw your comment at Tony Brayer’s blog and couldn’t help but smirk. I say, let’s not only take away his (Kamrava’s) license, but sue him and damn him til eternity. I know, I know, money is just an object. But my sister is a doctor and I’m sure she’d be just as outraged if she lived in Cali. Too bad she’s in Michigan, hahaha.

  2. TBTAM,

    I saw you comment about California tax payers suing the IVF doctor for creating the 6 and additional 8 children family.
    I live in California and that is a GREAT idea. A friend of mine who, she and her husband have three little girls they are busy taking good care of and have planned financially for their family are angry to have to have their tax money go towards her and the doctor’s irresponsibility for 8 children with 14 total. If a patient is going through IVF can’t they sign an agreement that they only want one child or if it happens by accident twins but no more then two embryos implanted in them from the IVF doctor?

    I would think people would be afraid to go to him that only want one or two children and are responsible.

    Great idea you have.

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