Family Planning in an Economic Crisis

Cristina Page explains why vasectomy rates are up, and writes one of the best editorials in support of family planning that I’ve ever read.

Family planning is nothing less than a foundation on which many Americans build sturdy, responsible lives. Regardless of political affiliation, that’s exactly what many are struggling to do right now. Those who have lost their jobs and health insurance are in great need of family planning. They’re also, alarmingly, the ones with the least access to it. Meanwhile Republicans openly mock attempts to include family planning as a part of the economic recovery, actively work to defund Planned Parenthood, promote policies that encourage health care workers to deny patients access to contraception, and defend programs that withhold basic information about contraception to sexually active teens. (Then they’re baffled to find the number of teen parents spiked during the Bush years.)

Read it, then send it to everyone you know.

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