Alternative Medicine – It’s Not So Funny

This British comedy sketch about an Emergency Room in a Homeopathic Hospital is damed funny. (Make sure to read the signs on the corridor walls.)

But change the patient from a trauma to a cancer patient, and it’s a tragedy.

The patient still steadfastly refused all surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Against all evidence that the course she had chosen thus far had not resulted in the elimination of her tumor that she expected, she nonetheless insisted on continuing with various alternative medicine treatments. Against all evidence to the contrary, she continued to refuse any form of “conventional medicine.” She still believed that her ” healer” could save her life, even though she now had a large, bleeding, stinking mass in her breast stuck to her chest wall that had three years ago been a pea-sized cancer that could have easily been excised with a small surgical procedure. She was well on her way to dying in the horrific way that so many women died of this disease 100 years ago. And the cost was more than just the growth of the tumor. The woman had three small children at the time of her diagnosis.

(Hat tip to Dr Val and Orac)

8 Responses to Alternative Medicine – It’s Not So Funny

  1. Or change it to an MS patient, like my cousin who refused traditional treatments in favor of alternative ones, and now, before the age of 45, is deteriorating so quickly that she can't even eat anymore (not just not feed herself – she chokes on solid food).

  2. OK, the extremes are always clearly evident, but there is room in the world for natural remedies.

    ight now I am suffering from a gout attack that came as a result of an antibiotic that I was taking. The drug breaks down and is removed from your system by way of the kidneys, and as a result, my kidneys were not purging uric acid effectively enough for me. As a result, a gout attack ensued. I was put on steroids and anti-inflamatories to reduce swelling and pain – neither of which actually occurred. I researched natural remedies and found two that have been fantastic!

    The first is eating fresh cherries. That simple, and what a difference! It reduced swelling and pain WITHIN MINUTES!

    The second was drinking a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water every 6 hours. My swelling diminished significantly, and the combination of the two has allowed me to walk again. That dramatic a difference.

    In addition, neither of these remedies are harmful to me. NSAIDS and steroids cannot be taken lightly, and are not a long term fix. Cherries certainly are…

    There are many other natural remedies that are effective and easy, and should be considered along with traditional medicine. It's not all completely ridiculous…

    The UTube video is absolutely hysterical.

  3. Schruggling –

    This post is indeed about the extremes. If everyone practices all things in moderation, I'd have nothing to blog about…

    Perhaps it was all those steaks cooked over the fire pit that led to the gout…

  4. Well, the steaks (fresh from Stu Leonards in Tarrytown by the way…) certainly didn't help relieve the gout, that's for sure. Somehow the red wine lacked medicinal value too!

  5. When I had a low grade urine infection I drank some cranberry juice and it helped clear it up. In fact I was told to try it by the nurse when I was in hospital.

    The vid is so funny. Wolfsbane anyone?

    Extremes arn't so funny but what can you do when a patient has this mindset?

  6. Anonymous – cranberry juice acts by blocking the adherance of e coli to the bladder wall. I recommend it in addition to antibiotics in all my patient who have uti's,and to those with recurrent infections as prevention.

    Thanks for reading.

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