Is This a News Article or an Ad for Estroven?

How to write a bad medical news article –

Lead your article on alternative treatments for menopause with an unsubstantiated anecdote by an anonymous woman who claims Estroven use led to a 20 lb weight loss without changing her eating habits. Show a photo of several brands of “natural” remedies for menopause, none of whose brand name is clearly visible except the Estroven.

Never mention in the rest of the article that there is no good data to support Estroven’s efficacy in treating any of the conditions for which it is marketed, and certainly no data that it leads to effortless weight loss.

I’m surprised – the New York Times usually does a much better job than this.

3 Responses to Is This a News Article or an Ad for Estroven?

  1. I read that one too and thought the same thing. Wasn't it a rubbish article? You cannot find a mainstream media site writing anything sensible about menopause these days! Read like an ad.

  2. I agree and why do they have a picture of a young woman rubbing in cream on her well toned (and rippling with estrogen) body!!

  3. Because if you use that product and lose all that nasty menopause weight you'll look like that?

    Or because this is actually the Sytle and Fashion section of the Times and not the Health section!

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