The Dinosaur Comes out of Hiding

So to speak.

Our beloved Dinosaur Doc has written a book, and with its publication, comes out of a long anonimity.

Question: What do anonymity and virginity have in common?

Answer: You can only lose them once, so make it count.

I am pleased, proud and thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my first book.

Many will be surprised to find out that this tough, biting and sometimes foul-mouthed family doc is a girl. I myself had thought she was a he, but Lucy set me straight a few years back. (Yes, I am proud to say I was one of the privileged few who has known of her identity for some time now…) Gender mix up seems to be my specialty – I had thought NHS Blog Doctor was a girl, but he set me straight pretty quickly on that count.

I for one can’t wait to read the book. You can pre-order it on Amazon.

Congratulations, Dr Hornstein!

3 Responses to The Dinosaur Comes out of Hiding

  1. I already ordered mine! I just found out a week or two ago that he was a she! Felt really dumb to think that I, a female family doc, would assume another family doc was a man… Love her. Can't wait to read the book!

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