Kitchen Carabiners (and a Giveaway!)

Although I may be stressed, I’m not climbing the walls just yet.

But I needed something to keep my measuring cups hanging together without handcuffing them to each other. I hate those sets that force you to hold all four cups at once when all you want is the 1/4 cup measurer. I also hate using precious drawer space to store something that I’d prefer at easy reach.

When I saw these carabiner-like quick release keychains at the counter in my local hardware store, I knew I’d hit on the solution.

These little darlings are cheap and come in various sizes and colors, making them both attractive and useful for hanging almost anything together. The quick release spring connector takes a split second to press down, allowing me to remove just the measuring cup or tool I need. Sometimes when I’m doing a lot of cooking, I just take all 4 cups out and use them, then wash them and hang them back together with the carabiner when I am done.

Of course, these carabiners are not meant for climbing – I’d say quick release is not exactly a good idea when you’re hanging from a large rock in the sky.

Where to buy them

I have no idea who makes the carabiners I bought, so I looked on the web to see where else one might buy them. It seems they are the penultimate “Made in China” item, mostly given away as promotional items or sold in bulk. I did find a one pack of 6 on Amazon for $9.95 and another for $8.99, but don’t know if they are the exact same ones that I bought. I figure it’s only a matter of time before some smart type will figure out how to sell them at some fancy website or kitchen store for $10 apiece. In the meantime…

It’s a Kitchen Carabiner Giveaway!

I bought a few extra carabiners at the hardware store and will give them away to one lucky winner via a random drawing. To enter, just post a comment to this post before the drawing on February 1st. Tweet, link to or Facebook this giveaway and you get an extra entry (just post a second comment telling me you did so with the link.) Make sure you leave either a link to your blog or some other way for me to contact you if you win.

9 Responses to Kitchen Carabiners (and a Giveaway!)

  1. I will leave the comment, but I don't have to win. I give away carabiners at work as a sales promotion and have PLENTY. Let me know if you need some more!

    They are very useful indeed.

    If you find that the carabiners don't work out for you in the end, we just got magnetic-handled measuring tools at Christmas – they are awesome – you can easily use just one and then easily reattach, and you can hang them on a metal surface like a refigerator for easy access. Just a thought.

    I think your mini wisk is very cool by the way…

  2. I don't want to win either – we give these away at work too. But my comment is that I store my mixing cups inside my mixing bowls, since I usually have to take them out of the cabinet together. I manage to get most of them dirty and toss them all in the dishwasher each time I use them.
    And if you want to talk about favorite appliances in the kitchen – I could go on and on about my dishwasher. But that's a story for another time.

  3. Like Carrie, I keep mixing cups in my mixing bowls. But you may actually have found a better solution. I don't give carabiners away (and wouldn't mind winning), but I think I've seen them at a hardware store. I may try to pick up a couple and see if I like your hanging idea better.


  4. Great idea – I like using mine as my key chain – then I can clip my keys onto my purse strap and never have to dig for them. My kids use them to clip things to their backpacks.

  5. These things are great for our kids with attaching stuff to their bookbags for school. Who knew all the uses! LOL

  6. Very clever solution. I know just what you mean about the nuisance of using the measuring spoons that are on a ring.

  7. If Patrick didn't have a caribiner to hook his keys to his belt loop he would LOSE them for sure!

    XO, OBS Housekeeper

  8. caribiners are oh so useful — i had not thought of using them for the attached sets of measures, or other little tools. so thanks for that idea!

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