Already missing him

NHS Blogdoctor has retired from active practice in the NHS and closed his blog.

Healthcare and the NHS is a big topic but I have said what I have to say and increasingly I am just going round and round the houses. I remain committed to the ideal of a decent standard of healthcare being available to all, independent of means and status. Sadly, we are further away from that ideal than we were five years ago when I started NHS BLOG DOCTOR. I am not optimistic about the future.

He will be missed.

What I find interesting is that Dr Crippin not only stopped blogging, he took  his blog down. Completely. Just try googling him – Nothing there.

I wonder what led him to pull the whole thing off the servers.   I guess he just didn’t want to be bothered with dealing with any repercussions of previous writings.  Close the books. Turn the page. Move on.  I get it.

Still, it would have been nice if he had left it up there for posterity.

Enjoy whatever comes next, Dr Crippin.

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