Moving Pains and More MedBlog Finds

Sorry if things have been a bit quiet around here lately. I’m in the midst of a blog makeover as I migrate from Blogger to WordPress.  Being both an idiot and a cheapskate, I’m trying to do all the work myself, which is beginning to suck away both my time and my energy. But I love how the new site is looking, and hopefully so will you. You can expect to find all the recipes compiled and categorized, travelogue links and lots of medical info that will hopefully be more accessible than it is now via the blog archives.

At the moment, however, I’m crashed over at WordPress. This nice Headway theme I found that seemed so easy to use isn’t as easy as it looks. Waiting on customer support to help me fix what seems to be a really big bug before I can do anything further.  Not to mention all the tweaking I need to do to the old post images to get them transferred over. I’ll let you know when it’s all done…

In the meantime, new Medical blogs are cropping up all over. It’s fun finding them. Here are a few more recent finds –

Gyno Gab – Billed as “All things gynecology, STDs, obstetrics, women’s health. Your questions, my thoughts, the buzz on what’s new and in the news by a Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist.”

OB Cookie – All Hail the gyno-food blog!

Dr Griever’s EMR – A Canadian physician documents her experience with EMR implementation and usage in a family practice. Most interesting is reading how she begins to tap the EMR to track and improve the quality of care in her practice.
Mommy Doctor – Self described anesthesiologist by day, suburban Ninja mom by night, scientist, iPhone addict, internet geek, occasional blogger, grateful Christian, cookbook reader but not user, tiny Asian bombshell happily married to big white guy. Hmm….I’d add excellent blogger to that list. Just read this post and you’ll know what I mean.
Forbes Science Business Blog – Another excellent mainstream blog, joining the ranks of the WSJ healthblog and Tara Parker Pope’s blog in the NY Times.

See you all soon, hopefully at my new place!

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