An Ohio Country Bike Ride

A weekend visit to see our daughter at college provided a chance for an early spring bike ride in central Ohio. (It’s what we parents do while the kids sleep till noon on Sunday morning…)

Mr TBTAM and I rented our bikes from Granville Bike Rentals, who delivered them right to the B&B where we were staying in Granville, Ohio, just a few blocks from an entrance to the TJ Evans Recreational Trail. We followed the trail west to its terminus at the granary in Johnstown and back, a total of about 22 miles.

The trail, which originates in Newark, Ohio, follows the old Toledo & Ohio Central railbed and passes through farmland

and forest,

crossing a few streambeds,

 and cutting right through a corn field!

We rode past hills covered with goldenrod,

and stopped to visit with some cows, who were so close we could hear them munching on the grass.

We had some nice conversations with locals on the trail, including one man who was running the exact route we were biking (in training for a marathon.) We also enjoyed this little sign along the trail, obviously posted by a local who must have gotten a few too many visits from the fire marshal responding to calls from passing bikers.

Yep, we’re in America’s heartland all right…

Biking is a great way to settle in to a new locale when visiting, and old rail trails give a unique back-side view of the landscape that I find much more interesting sometimes than the face we see from the streets. Not to mention that the ride is usually fairly level…

By the way, during our visit, we stayed at the Porch House B&B in Granville, which has charming Victorian rooms with lovely private bathrooms and one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had. (They use eggs from their own chickens!)  I highly recommend it.

The TJ Evans trail official site
Ohio Bikeways has a video of the TJ Evans trail and travel tips for riding it
Heather took some pretty fall photos along the trail

14 Responses to An Ohio Country Bike Ride

  1. Holy Cow! You were in my neck of the woods. Belated central Ohio greetings. Hope you had a terrific weekend and a safe trip home.

  2. Thanks for your perspective on the bike trails. The Licking County Parks And Recreation is trying to pass a levy for maintenance of the trails and parks and some do not realize what a draw they are for visitors.

    On your next visit, The Black Hand Gorge bike trail is another nice trail. No rentals available, but it's shorter and there some nice hiking trail off-shoots from the main path. Many stone cliffs are on the side of the path and a river runs along the trail. Wildflowers and birds are everywhere.

    Thanks for supporting Denison University too! My wife works in the bookstore.

  3. Lovely! 22 miles is a nice ride, too.

    Glad you had a good visit. 🙂 I hope your daughter is enjoying her education.

  4. Thanks for posting this!! We've been looking for a short trip to get away, and this sounds just perfect!!! (yes, we have this stuff all around us in DC, but we've been there and done that.)

    lovely photos!!

  5. Iced Latte and Celeste -We love the area, and hope to spend some more time in Columbus, which seems like a great town.

    Mark – Thanks for the tip – I think I know what we'll be doing next time we visit (assuming we can find bikes..)


    Ah yes, college towns. You know them well. 🙂 And yes, it was a good ride -according to my iphone ma my ride app, I burned over 700 calories!!!

    Xtreme English –

    Granville is a lovely little town. Not a whole lot goes on there, but we like it that way, and it's perfect for a little weekend getaway. They have a great Farmers market on Saturday mornings, River Coffee House is a real gem of hangout, and we love the second hand shops in town (there are two!). Denison U is there – their theater productions are wonderful, and there's always a game going on.

    Another suggestion fora weekend getaway from DC is to head to the PIne Creek Trail in Wellsboro, Pa

    Kathy and Elaine –

    Thanks! It was!

  6. OK, don't be offended that while reading this post, I found myself humming the theme song to Green Acres. Which is it, NYC or the heartland? By the way, the farmer's sign is PRICELESS.

    For inspiration…
    Green acres is the place for me.
    Farm livin' is the life for me.
    Land spreadin' out so far and wide
    Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

    New York is where I'd rather stay.
    I get allergic smelling hay.
    I just adore a penthouse view.
    Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.

    …The chores.
    …The stores.
    …Fresh air.
    …Times Square

    You are my wife.
    Good bye, city life.
    Green Acres we are there

  7. Schruggling –
    Such a funny coincidence – just last week my borother called me on speaker phone and made me sing as mujch as I remembered from the green acres theme song to his friends. (I have no idea why – he just calls me up and makes me perform for his friends sometimes…)But still – twice in one week? Do you think its a sign of some sort?

    Hello – pastistio throw down???!!??

  8. You asked for it…
    Sung to the tune of "Green Acres":

    O-Hio is the place to be
    We’re staying at a B&B
    Bike delivery from Granville
    Keep the Greenway, just give me that Evans trail.

    New York is where I'd rather be.
    But my daughter is here at University
    I just adore the Chelsea Pier.
    Sweetheart I love you but give me a bagel schmear.


    You are our child.
    In the Taurus we are piled
    Ohio we are there!

    XO, OBS Housekeeper

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