Embrace Life

Back home, promise Cuba posts coming. In the meantime, watch this gorgeous video from the UK promoting seatbelt use. And buckle up!

6 Responses to Embrace Life

  1. This needs to run here in the States. Even though the law requires seat belts be used here in Virginia I'd guess at least 50% don't.

  2. Touching, that should be on TV and on preview movie ads, and shown after live conerts. The feeling in their expressions is heartfelt.

  3. Great video it really gets the point across. The other cementers are right they need to show this here in the United States. Much better than ours. Buckle up. It's the Law. Ours commands you to do it, this one reminds you to do it for yourself and others. Much better.

  4. oh, that's lovely! i'm going to steal it and share it.

    i'm not even sure if there even were seat belts in my parents' early cars. but it's been a habit for me my adult life; the car did not move unless everyone had their seat belts on.

  5. I am amazed at the number of people I know who spend several minutes fastening their children into infant, child or toddler seats and then do not put on their own seat belt. My only question to them: Who will parent your children when you have died after crashing through your windshield in an accident?

    – OBS Housekeeper

  6. I am amazed at the number of people I know who spend several minutes fastening their children into infant, child or toddler seats and then do not put on their own seat belt. My only question to them: Who will parent your children when you have died after crashing through your windshield in an accident?

    – OBS Housekeeper

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