The Best Turkey Sandwich in the World

Original Turkey with Provolone
from the The Original Turkey, Reading Terminal Market, Philadelphia

This is what this sandwich does to you. For hours after eating it, you find yourself saying, “That sandwich was good!”  You remember it’s flavor, the warmth of the hand-carved, just cooked turkey, the softness of the fresh bread (OMG, the bread..), the juices as they mingled with the mayonnaise. Your mind keeps coming back to it, and not because you are craving another sandwich. No – The one you had was plenty filling – I could only eat half mine. In fact, your realize that you are entirely and utterly satisfied, so much so that you don’t think you need  to eat anything else ever again – you’ll just live on the memory of that one sandwich.

It’s not just me, I swear. I brought the uneaten half sandwich back to my Dad. By the time he ate it, the meat was no longer warm. And still, about 30 minutes after he had finished eating it, he paused during our conversation, which at that moment had nothing whatsoever to do with turkey, sighed, and said – “That was a really good sandwich”.

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