Susan on China

My friend Susan has a way of cutting through to the core of any issue. She just returned from a business trip to Beijing with these observations –

On public transportation – “As a New Yorker still waiting for the 2nd Ave subway, you’ll appreciate this – The Chinese completed 3 new subway lines in the last 5 years in Beijing alone! If there was ever any doubt in your mind that the Chinese would surpass us, let this set that to rest.”

On the auto industry – “The number of Chinese who own cars has risen exponentially in the past 5 years. They’re all so proud of this, and I’m thinking  – Wait a minute. This means that the majority of the drivers in China who are currently on the road have been driving for less than 5 years? That’s like having an entire country of teenage drivers!”

On the language – “Our kids need to learn Mandarin so they can talk to their Chinese bosses when they are cleaning their houses.”

On women in the workplace – “Four out of the five high level Chinese execs at the meeting were women, while I was the only women among the five American execs at the meeting – which is typical of the American firms we work with. I think something different is going on in China as far as women in the workplace, and I suspect it is one of the reasons they are doing so well.”

Photo credit – By en:user:CobbleCC in English Wikipedia (English wikipedia) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

2 Responses to Susan on China

  1. Try breathing the air in China
    Try drinking the water there
    Try feeding their milk to your babies
    Try finding food that’s safe to eat
    Try reasoning with the Communist Party
    Try winning the Nobel peace prize
    Progress is much deeper then Subways
    Learn English first,
    Really learn it
    Then learn Mandarin if you like
    Go to Beijing
    Then go to Shanghai
    Then go to Hong Kong
    Then go to Taiwan
    Real progress
    Is measured in centuries
    Think long term
    This is not a horse race


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