Win Free NYC Taxi Rides for a Year

UPDATE- The Nissan VN200 has won the competition!

At the risk of enlarging the contestant pool and lowering my own odds of winning, I”m telling you all about this great new contest sponsored by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission to help pick the winner of the Taxi of Tomorrow.

In 2007, City officials convened a group of stakeholders, including representatives of taxi drivers, owner and passengers, to create a set of goals for the next New York City taxi cab, a project called the Taxi of Tomorrow. In December 2009, the TLC issued a “request for proposals,” inviting auto manufacturers and designers to submit their best ideas for a purpose-built vehicle to serve as a New York City taxicab. Whichever of these designs that the City selects, if any, will be the next New York City taxicab (subject to constant improvements and enhancements) for the next ten years.

Complete a survey rating your top choice among the three finalists, tell the TLC about your taxi riding habits and opinions, and you’ll be entered into a sweepstakes to win free taxi rides (up to $5,000) for an entire year!

I personally liked the Karsan. Be eliminating the passenger front seat and adding a 4th rear facing seat to the back, all passengers can enter and exit the cab with ease, eliminating the “you go first” dance and the old back seat scoot.

From the survey, it also appears that the TLC is considering having an additional taxi light that warns that a passenger is about to be discharged. As a biker, I am ever fearful of car doors opening, so I love that idea.

I also took the opportunity in my survey to recommend that the TLC do a better job of staggering cab start times, with hopes of eliminating the 3:3o -5pm “witching hour” as I call it, when all the cab drivers are heading home to Queens and it’s almost impossible to get a cab.

So head on over and cast your vote, and may the best cab (and the luckiest New Yorker) win.

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