Building a Hospital in Haiti

Partners in Health is building a state of the art teaching medical facility in Mirebalais in Haiti’s underserved Central Plateau.

My niece Annie helped design the waste and water treatment parts of the project as part of her engineering internship with Northeastern University, and and will be joining the Partners group upon graduation. It’s so inspiring to see this wonderful project coming to fruition and to know that she will be a part of it!

You can be part of it too, by donating, volunteering or, like Annie, working for Partners in Health.

Partners in Health was founded by Paul Farmer and colleagues in 1987 to serve the poor in Haiti. Farmer’s story is the subject of Tracy Kidder’s book Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World.

3 Responses to Building a Hospital in Haiti

  1. This makes me happy to see and offers so much hope after seeing how devastatingly, bad things are after going there three months ago in the rural country of Gonives. Thank you to you to your niece, PIH and Dr.Paul Farmer who started it for their tremendous effort and dedicated work!!

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