The War on Women Has Gone Too Far

First they want to take away insurance coverage of birth control. Then they call us sluts and try to force us to have vaginal sonograms.

Now they’re trying to convince us we’re even fatter than we already think we are.

US Women could be more obese than believed

MONDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) — The way that obesity is currently measured greatly underestimates the actual number of women who are obese, a new study suggests.

Almost half of women currently labeled as not obese by virtue of their body mass index (BMI) turned out to be obese when measured by a newer method focusing on their percentage of body fat by weight, the research found.

A cheap and obvious attempt at psychological warfare.

What the reporter failed to mention that almost a quarter of men were also found to be fatter than their BMI suggested.

So there.

4 Responses to The War on Women Has Gone Too Far

  1. no, it’s worse than that. they said all of the participants found to be obese were women. 25% of the men who were classified obese by bmi were not considered obese by this method. (also menopausal women are just doomed, apparently, using this measure.)

  2. oh, if you think that’s outrageous, if I understand this correctly, it appears as though Arizona has now decided that “Gestational age” means the age of the unborn child as calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman. Not as in estimating ovulation and conception date based on date of lmp but as in starting the gestational age countdown on the 1st day of lmp. I hope I’m wrong about this but these anti-choice legislators do have a tendency to be specific in their wording so it can be implemented in a way that’s counterintuitive with medical practice

    • cranky — i think that because the section on gestational age is not highlighted, that is already the means of calculating gestational age when an abortion is performed.

      i worried that this might be an effort to declare life even before conception, possibly as an end run on birth control, but there are sections protecting both birth control devices and “oral contraceptives.” so, this seems to me to be very much directed at regulating abortion providers out of business.

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