Social Media & Medicine Word Cloud

I’m preparing a lecture on Practicing Medicine in the Era of Social Media, and created this word cloud for use in a slide. (I used Wordle) Thought I’d share it here in case anyone else needs it for a similar use. Or any use, really.

6 Responses to Social Media & Medicine Word Cloud

  1. Hi Peggy,
    Nice image. But I’m wondering – what’s your source? Presumably the different cloud-generators have distinct algorithms for generating these images. But for any given tool, such as Wordle, the product is a result of what you select for input.

    • Elaine –

      You are correct. I created a list of words, some words repeated multiple times based on how large I wanted them in the cloud, this based on their importance as I see it. The more times the word is in the list, the larger it is.

      You can also give it any text and it will create a wordle based on the same algorithm of frequency. Also you can give it your blog URL and it will create a wordle on your feed.

      Its really fun to do.

  2. The slide is so useful! Social media connects real doctores and patients efficiently. I came across your blog and wanted to express my appreciation for the health content you provide, such as your post about the misconceptions of IUDs created by mass media. I believe that would be a fantastic complement to your blog because you can add your expertise to a repository of medical answers created by other MDs. Please take a look:

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