Pregnancy Belly Buttons – A TBTAM Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

The winner of this giveaway random drawing is Sarina – 


August 28, 2012 | 3:26 pm  Edit

LOVE! I’ll where them in our monthly baby bump shots!

 Congratulations Sarina – contact me at so I can send you your bellybutons. 

Aren’t these the cutest thing?  I saw them in a stationary store in Salzburg last month and just had to buy them.  Of course, now that I’m home I’m not sure what to do with them. I could give them to a certain someone I know who is pregnant, but truth be told, I’m not sure she’d wear them.

Which got me to wondering just who might wear a pregnancy button, and under what curcumstances. To work? A party? On the street? At home?

And where would one wear it? On one’s belly? Or a lapel? Would you wear them?

Just post a comment giving us your thoughts on wearing pregnancy buttons and you’ll be automatically entered to win the buttons for yourself or to give to someone you know who is pregnant.  One entry per person. Contest ends and winner will be announced on September 3 – that’s Labor Day, of course.

11 Responses to Pregnancy Belly Buttons – A TBTAM Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

  1. I think they are cute but I wouldn’t wear them. They would be adorable to wear in pictures documenting your pregnancy. Looking back years later there would be no confusion as to how pregnant your were.

  2. Oh, I love Gina’s idea to wear them in a photos documenting the pregnancy! When I first read the title of this post, and glanced at the picture, I thought the buttons were somehow showing how big your belly button would be! And then for a minute I thought they were showing how big your cervix gets as it dilates! I am clearly not that bright!

    I might have worn them (past tense, thank you!) to a party, or something, but probably only later in the pregnancy.

  3. Cute but TMI. I agree with Gina that they’d be cute in photos, and for a baby shower, but otherwise, I don’t really think I’d wear them.

  4. Those are adorable. I can see why you couldn’t pass them up! As someone who did not enjoy being pregnant, I was all about the fun. So this would have been right up my alley. Worn on my lapel or that area. Never on the belly. I can see the later months fending off the “Jeez you haven’t had that kid yet?” people. And the earlier months fending off the “Are you pregnant or just eating too many donuts?” people. : )

    While I’m past my pregnancy days (praisetheheavenshalleluhiahthankyouverymuch), I have a Sister In Law just as wacky and fun as I am and she would get a kick out of these.

  5. Cute…but I just hated it when people touched my belly. However, I was sooo huge (only 4’11” no place for a baby really) people always got it wrong. They would say, “oh that baby’s due any day now” and I would go, “no I’m just 5 months but thanks for noticing how fat I’ve gotten”. So maybe it would clue bystanders in.

  6. While a pregnant belly is beautiful by itself,when a mammoth knob-like jutting bellybutton emerges from it,it’s a million times more appealing and pleasing to look at!!!!! I don’t know why some moms-to-be want to hide their protruding buttons.They don’t take anything away from the beauty of your belly.I say wear it proud!Stretch a skin tight t-shirt over your big,round swollen belly and let that button show thru for all the world to see!!!!!

  7. After posting my comment yesterday,I thought about all of you moms-to-be who read my post but still aren’t convinced of the fact that an outie bellybutton emerging from your big round protruding belly is acceptable.I want to show you something that will hopefully ease your minds regarding this issue.In your search box type in the following:Mary Ashton’s giant bellybutton,then click on the first link.Some of you may be thinking that poor woman having to carry that thing around with her everywhere she goes!However,I’m quite sure that Mary doesn’t feel that way.I don’t think she’s embarrassed or ashamed in the least.Just look at the various photos,for they tell the story.She’s pointing at it and grinning with pride.Yes,I would have to say that Mary is full of pride and joy and has no reservations whatsoever when it comes to showing the world her highly conspicuous knob-like protrusion!!!!! So you see ladies it’s really not that bad when you think about it.It’s a part of you and a product of your present condition.You’re carrying a new life inside of you and that in itself renders you special and beautiful!!! Should any of you ladies have a noticeable button attached to your pregnant belly,please don’t hide it,wear it proud.Who knows I or someone like me may see you and your appealing package and that would make our day!!!!!

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