Sisters – An Election Day Parody

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My four sisters and I gathered a few weeks ago for a girls-only weekend – the first time we had done so since our Fran died a little over a year ago. Fueled by wine and laughter, and inspired by the spirit of our exuberant contest-loving sister, we decided at the last minute to enter the Prairie Home Companion Duet contest with this little parody we wrote of Sisters from the movie White Christmas – a Polaneczky girls collective favorite.

Unfortunately, our duet (well, it’s actually a trio but don’t tell Garrison…), although graciously accepted a few hours past the deadline, didn’t make the finals.

That’s okay. We still think it’s great – if not off pitch in a few spots. (There was no time for perfection.)

We also discovered that if you play it say, 20 times in a row, especially when your companions are sick and tired of hearing it, or when they are trying to fall asleep, or when there’s a pleasant lull in the conversation – it’s even better!
Music by Irving Berlin. Lyrics by Pat Federoic, Mary Lou Rittenhouse, Rosemary Jenkins, Ronnie Polaneczky & Peggy Polaneczky. Karoake Soundtrack from Pocket Songs Karaoke “Sisters in the Style of Better Midler & Linda Rondstadt.” Performed by Ronnie, Ro and Peg.

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