Inspirational – Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna

Morten Lauridsen’s amazingly beautiful Lux Aeterna. I first heard this choral music in a cathedral in Florence, and am thrilled to be singing it this weekend with The Collegiate Singers here in New York.

I’ve been singing The Lux for 5 days straight now and I swear, such a sense of incredible peace has invaded me. The only thing I can think is that it is this music – it is so calming, yet lush and expansive. (Thanks Elena for those adjectives…)

You can hear the entire piece on You Tube (there are three parts).

2 Responses to Inspirational – Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna

  1. Part of Lux Aeterna was sung at a friend’s funeral. I was struck by the beauty of the piece—so very ethereal. A minister, my friend selected every piece of music for her funeral. Bagpipes played Amazing Grace as her twin boys followed her casket up the aisle—a very tearful moment. But Dana knew what she was doing when she planned her funeral; just as everyone was SOBBING, from up above came the joyful music…a New Orleans brass band playing “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”.

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