There Are Words. Let’s Say Them – “Ban Assault Weapons.”

“There are no words.”

It’s what we all said on Friday, when we learned of the unspeakable horror visited upon the teachers and children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and on their families, friends and neighbors.

On Saturday, we began to finally be able to talk about the horror, began to find the words to comfort those in pain, to remind us of what is real and important in our lives and to tell our children and family how much we love them.

And on Sunday, we listened as our President so eloquently spoke for all of us to the community of Sandy Hook, saying what we wished we could say to them.  “You are not alone.”

Now it is time to find the words we need to say as a nation to make our country a safer place for our children and for us all.

Three simple words – Ban Assault Weapons.

You can say them here. Or here.

And demand that your representatives say them for you here. And here.


More from Around the Web on This issue  (Just a start  – send me yours to add to this list)

3 Responses to There Are Words. Let’s Say Them – “Ban Assault Weapons.”

  1. Here are my thoughts on the matter…the argument to limit or repeal or redefine the second amendment will be held up for DECADES.

    A potential solution? Increase the background check requirement in all cases (including gun shows) and have a fee for such a check at about $5,000-$10,00 per application (per gun that is). So you have the RIGHT to bear arms, but it doesn’t mean you can afford it.

    Implement a gun storage inspection audit program. If the guns cannot be demonstrated to be secured, and fully accounted for, it’s a $50,000 fine, and 2 years in jail for illegal possession of a firearm.

    Also, I think bullets should be about $100 each. Should seriously limit someone’s ability to procure 6,000 rounds of ammo like the nut ball in Colorado had. Unless you are fabulously wealthy, I doubt that $600,000 in ammo would have been possible for the gunman in Colorado.

    This country thinks and behaves against the almight dollar. Keep the rights, just pay for it. No one ever said rights were free…if people really want their guns, they will be able to off-set the ridiculous Healthcare bill we are about to put in place.

    We can free up the jails from the folks in there for drug posession by making them legal (Go Richard Branson and Bill Clinton!), and replace them with gun possessors.

    OK, that should stir the pot…


  2. let’s get some bans and some regulatory plans in place, and then worry about the fools willing to hold up reasonable gun safety measures in litigation. i am sick of being held hostage to gun nuts and gun lobbyists.

    but i like all the ideas that would make it prohibitively expensive to have weaponry of mass destruction. we need to apply some of those monetary incentives to sellers, too.

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