A Graphic Medical Tale


An otherwise healthy young man develops hugely swollen lymph nodes in his neck and is admitted to Cleveland Clinic for evaluation and treatment. Being also a talented graphic artist and writer, he pens a graphic tale of his experiences in being a patient and a bit of a medical oddity.

On hospitalization, the fortune of living near world-class medical care, and raging against the risky unknowns. Drawn shortly after I left the hospital in January of 2014.

Add my friend Davey Connor to the emerging chorus of patients who aren’t afraid to let us know what it’s like to be on the other side of our stethoscopes.

A great read for docs and patients alike.

One Response to A Graphic Medical Tale

  1. Interesting! My brother had similar symptoms in the early ’80s. We all got very scared because the doctors in my country (Argentina) thought it could be a lymphoma. He underwent all kind of tests and finally a biopsy. The pathology report said: “sindrome del aranazo de gato” which now I learn is “cat scratch fever”. The diagnosis, at least in Spanish, sounds funny, it was such a relief.

    I could see my brother’s face in all the drawings!

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