A Call for Peace & Interfaith Dialog

Thanksgiving 1

Four Congregations, One Thanksgiving (from Trinity Wall St Blog)

Here’s an event you didn’t see covered in the media because it doesn’t make headlines or stoke the fires of hatred that seem to be flaring across this globe of ours.

It happened on Thanksgiving

More than two hundred and fifty meals were served at Interfaith Community Thanksgiving in St. Paul’s Chapel on Thanksgiving Day November 27. The event was a joint effort of Trinity Wall Street; Park 51, an Islamic community center; Tamid: The Downtown Synagogue, which meets in St. Paul’s Chapel; and Lower Manhattan Community Church.

The Interfaith Group met again last week, and together its members designed and created the logo and button below as their mantra for an end to the divisive battles couched in religion that are driving a wedge between people of all faiths across the world.

The button’s logo is ambigious enough to invite questions and induce dialog. And that’s exactly what happened today when I saw Westina Matthews, a member of the Trinity Vestry, wearing her button. I asked, she shared their story and then gave me her button.

It Stops Now

The  Interfaith Group is doing more than stopping something. They’re starting something.

Something wonderful.

One Response to A Call for Peace & Interfaith Dialog

  1. A great story, Margaret! Governments—local, statewide, national and international—seem to have no appetite for bringing about peace and tolerance. Maybe it’s time for individuals and community groups of all stripes to do so.

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