I’m Singing in The Events

The Events

I’m so excited to share that my chorus, the Collegiate Singers, will be singing on Feb 25, 2014  in the NY Theater Workshop production of David Greig’s play “The Events”, the play that won a First at the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe, and has been touring ever since.

 The Events tells the story of Claire—an enthusiastic and engaged female priest who leads a choir in a community setting. Claire experiences something terrible: a young man she vaguely knew turns a gun on those who “aren’t from here” in a misguided attempt to make his mark on society. The Events is not a depiction of such terrible events, and the play is not filled with violent acts. It follows Claire’s attempt to understand how someone could do such an awful thing, and how this struggle leads her on a path that comes close to self-destruction. Ultimately, Claire finds her peace and retakes her place in society as the play offers a timely exploration of how communities respond to acts of unthinkable transgression. (Wexarts.org)

Each night of the performance features a different community choir singing the soundscape of the play.

The use of a choir became a key aspect of “The Events,” and a way to root each production to the community wherever it is performed. In the show, a woman plays the role of Claire and a male actor plays several other parts, including the killer. The only other cast member, as it were, is an actual choir that functions like a Greek chorus, alternately observing, singing, chanting or speaking scripted line. (NYTimes)

Here’s a review from the NY times of the touring production in New Haven last year –  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/15/theater/david-greigs-the-events-is-coming-to-new-haven.html

I have absolutely no idea what this experience will be like, either on stage or as an audience member. But if you’re up for taking a chance, and you’d like to come to the play, you can get tickets here – http://nytw.org.http://nytw.orghttp://nytw.org.http://nytw.org.

My chorus is performing only on Feb 25th, but the show runs Feb4-Mar 22.

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