What Should You be Worried About? It’s Not What You Think

Atlas of Risk NHS

Worriers out there – take note. You’re probably spending your precious brain energy worrying about the wrong things.

If you want to know what’s most likely to kill you, the British National Health Service’s Atlas of Risk can tell you. The tool does a great job putting health risks into perspective, and can be customized for your sex and age group. It’s interesting to see how the causes of death change with age.

One thing that becomes clear as you play with the risk tool. Most of the things that could kill you throughout your adult life can be prevented by three things which are in your control – exercise (which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and prevent obesity), not smoking and limiting alcohol intake to healthy levels.

So if you’re spend a lot of time watching TV news and worrying about war and murders, turn off the TV and head out for a walk.

You’ll live longer.

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