Ave Verum Corpus

Thought I’d share this one piece from my my choral concert last month. It’s one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written – Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus. It’s not perfect, but I think we actually did it justice.

Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed singing it.

(I sing with the Collegiate Singers of NYC, a community choir on the Upper West Side. We performed in concert with The Plymouth Choir on May 9th at the First Baptist Church on Broadway and 79th. A wonderful space with great acoustics. Check us out if you love to sing. No audition required, though we assume you can hold a tune and sing on pitch. This is for the joy of singing, and it’s a great group of people.)


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One Response to Ave Verum Corpus

  1. Sorry we missed the original concert. The music and voices are beautiful. I keep listening to it over and over. Never get tired of hearing it.

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