I hate Apple.
Everything they make becomes useless over time.
Take my iPad Mini. I purchased it in 2013 so that I’d have an easy-to-carry device to showcase our mammogram decision aid at the MedX Conference, where I had a poster presentation. It’s been rarely used since then. But yesterday, as I was squinting at a movie on my iPhone’s little screen while working out at the gym, and wondering if I needed new readers, I remembered that iPad mini. I could use it at the gym!
When I got home last night, I pulled it from the back of the desk drawer. After charging and resetting it, I was thrilled to see it turn on and even connect to the internet!
And that was about it.
The bluetooth could not find my earbuds. Even after upgrading the OS to the latest version. And other than Safari (pre-installed), no Apps I’ve tried to install are compatible. Not a one. That means no Kindle reader, no Netflix , Hulu or HBO. No Outlook, Gmail, Chrome or Google Docs.
I was ready to throw the damned thing out – correction, recycle it. Then, while making granola today, I was consulting the recipe on my iPhone when my daughter called. As I was switching back and forth between the phone and the NY Times Cooking App, it hit me. As long as I have internet access, I can use the iPad as my recipe screen in the kitchen!
It was easy. I just mounted the iPad with double sided mounting tape on the wall near the stove. I disabled the pass code because there’s nothing on the iPad that I need to protect, and nothing I hate more than that damned pass code. I have an extra-long iPhone charging cord and a nearby outlet, so I won’t even have to take the iPad off the wall to charge it.
The other thing we do in the kitchen is listen to NPR while we cook. Annoyingly, our old battery operated radio is starting to drift off station way too often these days. Happily, both NPR stations we love (WNYC and WHYY) are accessible on Safari and don’t require an App to live stream on an iPad.

I had a great time using the iPad to read the recipe while listening to WNYC and making Madison Park’s Granola. (I’ll post that recipe tomorrow) And I was even able to take a call on my iPhone without having to switch screens!
I still hate Apple, but I love my new wall-mounted kitchen recipe reader and radio.
And I love technology.
Ha! Is it too soon for a Napoleon Dynamite reboot?