Turn off that Damned Twitter and Read a Blog!

Kids! Stop that tweeting and look at me!

I swear, that Twitter is ruining your mind. You’re lost the ability to read anything more than 130 characters. You’re chatting and @tting and #ing, but are you…

Hey! Are you reading me, or have I lost you already?

I mean it! Close that damned thing and read a blog!

You don’t know what to read?

Here, let me help you. Read this week’s Grand Rounds over at HealthBusiness Blog. It’s the best of this week’s medical blogosphere.  Go on. Read it.  Follow every one of those links and learn something besides a Wiener joke.

I swear, social media users these days…

5 Responses to Turn off that Damned Twitter and Read a Blog!

  1. Hi Peggy,
    I find Twitter to be a terrific resource for scanning news and links to diverse viewpoints. Blogs have value, too, but like any form of media – books, movies, newspapers – they’re a mixed bag. I keep a critical eye on all sources.

  2. Elaine –

    This post was directed mostly at myself. I wrote it after realizing that I had been hanging out on twitter for days but missing reading the bloggers in my google reader, who don’t all necessarily cross post to twitter. And not reading grand rounds the way I used to…

    Now get out there and read a blog!


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