Book Launch!

It’s not like I and my fellow authors will be heading on a book tour or be invited onto Oprah anytime soon (especially since she’s off the air, but you get my point…), but I am so proud to announce that the American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Adolescent Healthcare has finally been published!

I wrote the chapter on contraception, but it’s just a teeny-tiny piece of this amazingly comprehensive text, available either in hardcopy or as an e-book from the AAP Bookstore.

Congratulations and thanks to the hard-working editors, especially Elizabeth Alderman, MD at Montefiore, and to Diane Lundquist at AAP, for their long and hard work on this wonderful project.

I’m honored to be a part of so esteemed an academic community as the physicians who have written and edited this textbook.

8 Responses to Book Launch!

  1. Another accomplishment under your belt. We’re proud of you and know you must have done a fine job on the book. Who better to know about adolescent health than our very own Dr. P. with very good advice. Congratulations!!

    The bread looks gorgeous.

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