Unexpected guests

You should have seen my blog Monday night – draft posts scattered everywhere and me in the midst of playing with categories and font colors.

Around 11 pm, for some reason I check out KevinMD and realize – Holy…! I’m in Grand Rounds! Then – Oh no! I can’t let them see my blog like this! It’s a mess!

What can I say? I panicked. I spent the next 3 hours fiddling, tweaking, editing, tagging, switching font colors, hiding draft posts from the blog search…You know, frantically getting my blog ready for all that company.

At around 2 am, my nerves got the best of me. What the hell kind of blog have I made anyway? What kind of idiot blogger tries to mix food with medicine? What was I thinking??? I was sure that none of the doctors were going to take my medical posts seriously in the midst of posts about blog love and photos of chocolate chip cookies named Bob. You know how doctors are – they’re a very conventional crowd. They’ll think I’m a lame brain.

Then I remembered that I had just posted a restaurant review earlier that evening. Big problem. I couldn’t have that up there when the docs arrived, they’ll think they’ve come to the wrong blog. Now I had to do a new post for them. Yeah, but what if the food bloggers come too? Will they get along with the doctors? What if no one stays? Worse yet, what if no one even comes?

At that point, I check stat counter. What the…? It is racking up hits, more hits than I have ever gotten in a whole day. And it hits me. Oh my God, they’re already here! (Doesn’t anyone sleep anymore? What ever happened to being fashionably late?) I must have made some sort of strangled cry at that point, because my husband groaned, rolled over, glared at me in the dim glow of the laptop screen and kicked me out of bed, laptop and all.

And at that point, I just gave up. I took my laptop downstairs, tore down the restaurant post, threw up a welcome post and hit the sack.

And now it’s over. Over 500 hits so far today, 274 new viewers. I’m exhausted. I just hope they all had a good time.

Listen, do you wanna’ come over tomorrow? I have a bunch of food posts leftover, and I thought I’d pull that restaurant review out – I hear it’s better the second day anyway.

Category: Considerations

2 Responses to Unexpected guests

  1. OH, this was so great! Blog panic!

    Only someone with true blog love could get blog panic, so this actually legitimates you as a blogger, somehow!

    People do all sorts of things with blogs, and most of us manage to read what seems most fun/interesting, and let most of the rest pass on by.

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