Hot Drawers

Steam table, La Caridad Restaurant, 78th and Broadway

Category: Food

5 Responses to Hot Drawers

  1. That’s a clever bit of kit – but did it look easy to clean out?
    I mean that the front of those drawers look jointed – and a joint would be difficult to clean, I would have thought.

  2. Anonymous, that was my first thought exactly. (Are you sure you are not the OBS Housekeeper?)

    I had a nice conversation with the guy behind the counter, who has worked there since 1985. He says the drawers have been there since he started, and that they are very easy to clean each night.

  3. You KNOW the OBS Housekeeper would have something to say about this! I was thinking that some type of greasebuster like Kaboom! or Lysol followed by a sudsy bath in Palmolive liquid would do the trick on these potential havens for bacteria.

  4. hey there 🙂

    those are a cool way of storing / serving food. would never have thought of such a thing. do you know what was there before? or is this the original place?

  5. Bureka Boy: THis is the priginal place, and it is still there. They just redid the place, and the drawers are in the back and not as easy to see as they used to be. I love the idea of opening up a drawer and taking out my dinner.

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