Manhattanhenge 2007

Manhattanhendge is that magical moment when the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of New York City, shining gloriously through the canyons created by our stone monuments to the urban gods. It happens twice each year, in May and July.

The term Manhattanhenge was coined by astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium director Neil Degrasse Tyson in 2002. Here’s Tyson explaining this unique New York moment –

One of these days I will plan and get a great photo from a prime spot, instead of my usual quick snapshot taken from wherever I happened to be at sunset. I get another shot this year on July 11th…

Addendum – Hmm…A bit of debate as to this year’s date for Manhattanhenge. I thought it was May 29th, AM NY says May 30, but apparently it’s May 31st this year! Dr Tyson – it’s time for an offical Manhattanhenge website to keep us all straight…

Addendum #2 – OKAY, Here’s the offical word from Dr Tyson (I emailed him and he replied!).

Manhattanhenge begins at 8:10 p.m. (May 30), and at 8:20 p.m. (July 13), at a cross-street near you.

4 Responses to Manhattanhenge 2007

  1. OK, turns out I had it wrong on NewYorkology. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s office finally got back to me this afternoon and apologized — saying they gave me the wrong dates when I asked for them a month ago. Correction posted at NewYorkolgy.

  2. Amy- Thanks for confirming – I have to admit that I was still confused.

    Love your site, BTW….

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